15 Dec 2022
WideTech @BE4.0 - First day
“Industry 4.0 is more than just a flashy catchphrase. A confluence of trends and technologies promises to reshape the way things are made.”
Cornelius Baur and Dominik Wee, McKinsey & Company
Over the last 2 days, WideTech attended the BE 4.0 Salon Industries du Futur à Mulhouse (Grand Est). It was an opportunity for the team to get inspired, to exchange on the challenges of the industrial 4.0 transition and to demonstrate the transformation potential offered by WiDE.
05 Dec 2022
New partnership with SWDE
“We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.” — Jacques Yves Cousteau
Today, we are pleased to start a new collaboration in Belgium with Société Wallonne des Eaux (SWDE).
Société Wallonne des Eaux (SWDE) is the largest water production and distribution company in Wallonia. Every day, SWDE ensures the supply of water - in quantity and quality - to more than two million citizens, i.e. about 70% of the Walloon population. Committed to the protection of water and biodiversity, #SWDE manages the resource sustainably in collaboration with local and international operators.
The objective of this collaboration is to evaluate the capacity of our WiDE software to improve the quality and use of measurement data. This partnership also aims to better understand the water distribution network and to carry out performance monitoring of different types of assets to improve their energy efficiency.
23 Nov 2022
WideTech and EXAICO Grow Deep partnership agreement
WideTech and EXAICO Grow Deep have signed a partnership agreement to strengthen the commercial presence of WideTech in the fertilizers industry.
EXAICO Grow Deep is a consulting company specialized in Export and Management. André Thissen, Founding Partner at EXAICO Grow Deep, has a long track record in the fertilizers industry and comes with his extensive knowledge of the market.
WideTech has proven technical expertise in helping companies like Yara International in their digitalization journey to bridge the gap between operations (OT) and business (IT) thanks to WiDE, its enterprise-level data management platform.